Book of Matthew, Background
A. The King’s Birth (1:1-2:23)
1. His Ancestry (1:1-17)
2. His Birth (1:18-25)
3. His Adoration (2:1-12)
4. His Adversaries (2:13-23)
B. His Entry into Public Ministry
1. His Forerunner John the Baptizer
2. His Baptism (3:13-17)
3. His Temptations (4:1-11)
4. His earliest ministry (4:12-25)
The King’s Authority (5:1-9:38)
A. Discourse 1: Sermon on the Mount
1. Righteousness and happiness (5:1-12)
2. Righteousness and discipleship (5:13-16)
3. Righteousness and the scriptures (5:17-20)
4. Righteousness and morality (5:21-48)
5. Righteousness and practical
religion (6:1-18)
6. Righteousness and mundane things
7. Righteousness and human relations
8. Righteousness and salvation
B. Narrative 1: The Authenticating
Miracles (8:1-9:38)
1. A leper cleansed (8:1-4)
2. Centurian’s servant healed
3. Peter’s mother-in-law healed
4. Multitudes healed (8:16-22)
5. The winds and sea rebuked
6. Two demoniacs delivered (8:28-34)
7. Paralytic pardoned and healed
8. Tax collector called (9:9-13)
9. Questions about fasting answered
10. A girl raised from the dead
11. Two blind men given sight
12. Mute and demon-possessed man
speaks (9:32-34)
13. Multitudes viewed with compassion
The King’s Mission & Agenda (10:1-12:50)
A. Discourse 2: The Commissioning of the
Twelve (10:1-42)
1. The King’s men (10:1-4)
2. Sending of the disciples (10:5-23)
3. Hallmarks of discipleship
B. Narrative 2: The King’s Mission
1. Christ’s identity affirmed for
John’s disciples (11:1-19)
2. Woes pronounced on the impenitent
3. Rest offered to the weary (11:25-30)
4. Lordship asserted over the Sabbath
5. Opposition fomented by the Jewish leaders
6. Eternal relationships defined by
spiritual ancestry (12:46-50)
The King’s Adversaries (13:1-17:27)
A. Discourse 3: The Kingdom Parables
1. The soils (13:1-23)
2. The wheat and tares (13:24-30,
3. The mustard seed (13:31-32)
4. The leaven (13:33)
5. The hidden treasure (13:44)
6. The pearl of great price (13:45-46)
7. The dragnet (13:47-50)
8. The householder (13:51-52)
B. Narrative 3: Conflict with the Kingdom
1. Nazareth rejects the King
2. Herod murders John the Baptizer
3. Christ feeds the 5,000 (14:13-21)
4. Christ walks on water (14:22-33)
5. Multitudes seek healing (14:34-36)
6. Scribes and Pharisees challenge
Christ (15:1-20)
7. Canaanite woman believes
8. Christ heals multitudes (15:29-31)
9. Christ feeds the 4,000 (15:32-39)
10. Pharisees and Sadducees seek a
sign (16:1-12)
11. Peter confesses Christ (16:13-20)
12. Christ predicts His death
13. Christ reveals His glory
14. Christ heals a child (17:14-21)
15. Christ foretells His betrayal
16. Christ pays temple tax (17:24-27)
The King’s Administration (18:1-23:39)
A. Discourse 4: Childlikeness of the Believer
1. The call for childlike faith
2. Warning against offenses (18:7-9)
3. Parable about the lost sheep
4. Pattern for church discipline
5. Lesson about forgiveness
B. Narrative 4: Jerusalem Ministry
1. Kingly lessons (19:1-20:28)
a. Divorce (19:1-10)
b. Celibacy (19:11-12)
c. Children (19:13-15)
d. Surrender (19:16-22)
e. Who may be saved (19:23-30)
f. Equality in the Kingdom (20:1-16)
g. On His betrayal and death
h. True greatness (20:20-28)
2. Kingly deeds (20:29-21:27)
a. Healing two blind men (20:29-34)
b. Receiving adoration (21:1-11)
c. Cleansing of the temple
d. Cursing the fig tree
e. Answering a challenge
3. Kingly parables (21:28-22:14)
a. The two sons (21:28-32)
b. The wicked vine-growers
c. The wedding feast (22:1-14)
4. Kingly answers (22:15-46)
a. Herodians: on paying taxes
b. Sadducees: on the
resurrection (22:23-33)
c. Scribes: on the first and
greatest commandment (22:34-40)
d. Pharisees: on David’s greater
Son (22:41-46)
5. Kingly pronouncements (23:1-39)
a. Woe to scribes and Pharisees
b. Woe to Jerusalem (23:37-39)
The King’s Atonement (24:1-28:15)
A. Discourse 5: The Olivet Discourse
1. Destruction of the temple (24:1-2)
2. Signs of the times (24:3-31)
3. Parable of the fig tree (24:32-35)
4. Lesson of Noah (24:36-44)
5. Parable of the two slaves
6. Parable of the ten virgins
7. Parable of the talents (25:14-30)
8. Judgment of the nations (25:31-46)
B. Narrative 5: Crucifixion and
Resurrection (26:1-28:15)
1. Plot to kill the King (26:1-5)
2. Mary anoints Christ (26:6-13)
(John 11:2; 12:3)
3. Judas betrays Christ (26:14-16)
4. Passover (26:17-30)
5. Prophecy of Peter’s denial (26:31-35)
6. Christ’s agony (26:36-46)
7. Christ arrested (26:47-56)
8. Trial before the Sanhedrin (26:57-68)
9. Peter’s denial (26:69-75)
10. Judas’ sorrow and suicide (27:1-10)
11. Trial before Pilate (27:11-26)
12. Soldier’s mock Christ (27:27-31)
13. Christ’s crucifixion (27:32-56)
14. Christ’s burial (27:57-66)
15. Christ’s resurrection (28:1-15)
Epilogue: The King’s Assignment